The Keystone Knight is a publication of the Pennsylvania State Council Knights of Columbus, which is solely responsible for its contents. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor or the State Council. The Keystone Knight will be published the first week of each month. The expectation is 12 times a year! Articles will be printed as space allows. The Keystone Knight can be viewed on the State Council Web Page! It will be produced in a digital format and will be sent via email to the state family, directors, and district deputies. We ask district deputies to email a copy to their grand knights and financial secretaries. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO EMAIL TO ANY ONE ELSE! WE WANT TO SHOW EVERYONE WHAT THE KNIGHTS IN THE JURISDICTION OF PENNSYLVANA ARE DOING! Send articles and digitized photographs to the Public Relations Director (contact info below). Due Date for articles for the next issue is on the 15th of the prior month. All articles must be emailed or typewritten and sent to the editor by mail or emailed. The State Council wants to know what is going on in our state!